less than 1 minute read

Write a function createHelloWorld. It should return a new function that always returns “Hello World”.

Example 1:

Input: args = [] Output: “Hello World” Explanation: const f = createHelloWorld(); f(); // “Hello World”

The function returned by createHelloWorld should always return “Hello World”. Example 2:

Input: args = [{},null,42] Output: “Hello World” Explanation: const f = createHelloWorld(); f({}, null, 42); // “Hello World”

Any arguments could be passed to the function but it should still always return “Hello World”.

 * @return {Function}
var createHelloWorld = function () {
  return function (...args) {
    return "Hello World";

 * const f = createHelloWorld();
 * f(); // "Hello World"

In this code snippet, const f = createHelloWorld(); invokes the createHelloWorld() function and assigns the returned function to the variable f. The variable f now holds the returned function.

When f() is called, it executes the inner function that was returned by createHelloWorld(). The inner function does not accept any arguments (...args allows for any number of arguments to be passed, but it is not used in the function). It simply returns the string “Hello World”.

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