2 minute read

Given a function fn, an array or arguments args, and a timeout t in milliseconds, return a cancel function cancelFn.

After a delay of t, fn should be called with args passed as parameters unless cancelFn was called first. In that case, fn should never be called.

Example 1:

Input: fn = (x) => x _ 5, args = [2], t = 20 Output: [{“time”: 20, “returned”: 10}] Explanation: const cancelTime = 50 const cancel = cancellable((x) => x _ 5, [2], 20); // fn(2) called at t=20ms setTimeout(cancel, cancelTime);

The cancellation was scheduled to occur after a delay of cancelTime (50ms), which happened after the execution of fn(2) at 20ms. Example 2:

Input: fn = (x) => x2, args = [2], t = 100 Output: [] Explanation: const cancelTime = 50 const cancel = cancellable((x) => x2, [2], 100); // fn(2) not called setTimeout(cancel, cancelTime);

The cancellation was scheduled to occur after a delay of cancelTime (50ms), which happened before the execution of fn(2) at 100ms, resulting in fn(2) never being called. Example 3:

Input: fn = (x1, x2) => x1 _ x2, args = [2,4], t = 30 Output: [{“time”: 30, “returned”: 8}] Explanation: const cancelTime = 100 const cancel = cancellable((x1, x2) => x1 _ x2, [2,4], 30); // fn(2,4) called at t=30ms setTimeout(cancel, cancelTime);

The cancellation was scheduled to occur after a delay of cancelTime (100ms), which happened after the execution of fn(2,4) at 30ms.

 * @param {Function} fn
 * @param {Array} args
 * @param {number} t
 * @return {Function}
var cancellable = function (fn, args, t) {
  const timeOut = setTimeout(() => {
  }, t);
  return function () {

 *  const result = []
 *  const fn = (x) => x * 5
 *  const args = [2], t = 20, cancelT = 50
 *  const start = performance.now()
 *  const log = (...argsArr) => {
 *      const diff = Math.floor(performance.now() - start);
 *      result.push({"time": diff, "returned": fn(...argsArr))
 *  }
 *  const cancel = cancellable(log, args, t);
 *  const maxT = Math.max(t, cancelT)
 *  setTimeout(() => {
 *     cancel()
 *  }, cancelT)
 *  setTimeout(() => {
 *     console.log(result) // [{"time":20,"returned":10}]
 *  }, maxT + 15)

Inside the function, a setTimeout is used to execute the fn function after a specified delay of t milliseconds. The fn function is called with the provided args as arguments.

The setTimeout function returns a timer identifier, which is stored in the timeOut variable.

Finally, the cancellable function returns another function that can be used to cancel the previously scheduled timeout by calling clearTimeout with the timeOut identifier.

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