Leetcode problem 122 - Sort the Students by Their Kth Score
There is a class with m students and n exams. You are given a 0-indexed m x n integer matrix score, where each row represents one student and score[i][j] den...
There is a class with m students and n exams. You are given a 0-indexed m x n integer matrix score, where each row represents one student and score[i][j] den...
Anti-theft security devices are activated inside a bank. You are given a 0-indexed binary string array bank representing the floor plan of the bank, which is...
Implement the class SubrectangleQueries which receives a rows x cols rectangle as a matrix of integers in the constructor and supports two methods:
You are given a 0-indexed 2D integer matrix grid of size n * n with values in the range [1, n2]. Each integer appears exactly once except a which appears twi...
Given a m x n binary matrix mat, find the 0-indexed position of the row that contains the maximum count of ones, and the number of ones in that row.